

US unemployment benefits are calculated using a formula that takes into account the amount of earnings lost and an individual’s length of unemployment. The calculation is derived from statistics on previous recessions to provide a basis for comparison between economic downturns and their corresponding periods of high unemployment. In general, individuals who have been unemployed longer and those with lower incomes are eligible for higher levels of support. Under this system, there is no upper limit on benefits or maximum duration of payments – benefits can be received indefinitely as long as they are needed.

The CARES Act expanded eligibility rules, allowing most Americans to access these funds in 2020 regardless of whether they were currently receiving unemployment compensation during the pandemic. As a result, many more people signed up for Unemployment Insurance (UI) than usual, which resulted in increased spending on these programs. In response, Congress allocated nearly $1 trillion dollars to state unemployment trusts to cover these costs over the next several months.

Benefits under regular UI programs are generally equal to about half of the worker's former salary, up to a certain cap based on state law, resulting in a maximum benefit of around $360 per week nationally after tax deductions ($458 pre-tax). These benefits are available immediately upon filing a claim for unemployment insurance, though some conditions may apply depending on your specific circumstances such as looking for work or accepting temporary layoff. During a recession when unemployment is high, there is often a backlog of claims that need processing so it might take up to 90 days before you receive any money if you qualify.

In addition to traditional UI benefits, some states offer extra assistance during layoffs related to COVID-19 through their Emergency Relief Fund(ERF)programs. ERFs vary by state but typically include reimbursing employers’ paid leave costs associated with furloughing workers; providing grants or loans to businesses to help cover payroll expenses while employees are staying home through quarantine protocols; or expanding eligibility requirements
