

之前在知乎上看到有人问“美国家庭真的像《生活大爆炸》里一样不理财吗”,当时正好假期去美国西海岸自驾游,于是随便找了一个西海岸的州立大学(其实是为了避开车流高峰期),在校门口做了一小时随机采访。 “What is the most expensive thing you bought this week?” 我问学生们最花钱的一件事是什么。 有一个学生回答说,“My friend and I went out to eat at a restaurant. It was like $100 a person. ” 他和朋友出去吃饭花了100美元/人。 另一个学生说,“I spent money on clothes for my little brother. He's really short, so it wasn't much...but still, it felt good to spend it on him.” 她给弟弟买了新衣服——因为他还小,所以衣服不贵——“虽然不多……但给他买东西还是挺有成就感的。” 还有一位同学很豪气地说,“The most I ever spent in one sitting was about $500. I went out with three of my friends and we went food shopping!We got drinks, appetizers, entrées, dessert, and they were all very delicious." 他和几个朋友一起去购物,“我们点了饮料、开胃菜、主菜、甜品,都好吃得不得了。我那天大约花了500美元……” 我问这位同学平时如何管理自己的钱财,他笑了笑说,“I don't really know how to manage my money that well, but my parents do a great job of showing me how to save, give back, and be generous with what I have. " 其实我也不太会理财,但我父母教给我很多理财知识。

后来我问了许多人,发现大部分学生在生活费上都是“spend as they go along”,没有计划地消费。有一位学经济的同学说,“A lot of students don't budget. They just pay off their debt once they get their hands on it." 有经济方面课程的学生说,“很多学生都不预算(钱)。他们只有在自己有钱之后才还贷款。” 也有学生对这种不储蓄、不提前还贷的生活态度不以为意。“There are a lot of people who take loans out for four years and never plan ahead. They just want instant gratification. And when it comes time to settle up, they can't believe how much interest they will owe.” 当然也会有学生拥有比较正确的金钱观。一位女生说,“I try not to spend more than I can afford, especially now that I am in college. My family always taught us to save, and that has stayed with me.” 她告诉记者,“我尽量不花钱,尤其是现在我还在上大学。我家一直教导我们要节约,这个观念一直影响着我。
